Questions & Answers

how to draw midi cc with the fader of faderport

+9 votes
asked Aug 26, 2016 in FaderPort Classic by yufengshi (240 points)
Hi everyone,

The fader of faderport controls the velum automatically, does anybody knows how to assign it to control/draw midi cc, like expression, modulation. I'm tired with mouse...


3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Sep 7, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer
There is not an editor for the FaderPort that would allow you to reassign it's default MIDI CC values.

To alter behavior within an application where you do not have it connected as a HUI or Mackie Control or Native device, use the MIDI Learn function in your application (if it has it) to reassign the controls.
+2 votes
answered Sep 7, 2017 by vincentgudon (220 points)
I am very interested in that question!

I just bought a faderport in order to control expression and modulation on my VST instruments...
And I discovered today that there is no way to desassign that fader from volum control...

Are you going to resolve that point?
Or is there a way to do it??
+2 votes
answered Jan 23, 2018 by vigneshvijayakumar (200 points)
Yes . I am looking for the same .
I use cubase . I want the fader to be assigned to midicc11 - expression . How do I do that ?