Questions & Answers

32 Bit plugins - worked in V3 using jbridge but wont work in V4

+1 vote
asked Sep 23, 2018 in Studio One 4 by markinoz (270 points)

I have heaps of 32 bit plugins and instruments (BFD2 for example) that worked fine in V3 using JBridge..

Tried getting them to work in V4 (again using Jbridge) but they just wont show up in V4

This is a real deal breaker.. I cant get 64 bit versions of some these plugins and have invested money in these VST/instruments..

Do you know what may have changed that now prevents S1 V4 from seeing these 32 bit VSTs?

Mark R

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 24, 2018 by Mastercaliber (460 points)
selected Sep 25, 2018 by markinoz
Best answer

Hi Mark.  I just upgraded to Version 4 and I am having the same issue. I have recordings that I have to completely remix because of this issue which sucks. A producer friend of mine recommended a plugin called "metaplugin" Its a VST wrapper that does so much more than JBridge.  It works for Mac and PC and per their website Metaplugin will:

  • Supports up to eight individual channels for, e.g. surround or other multichannel purposes.
  • Additional stereo sidechain input
  • Convenient plugin organizer: scan your plugins once, then just drag and drop them onto the graph area
  • Internal bridge from 32 to 64 bit, with seamless plugin window integration: load 32 bit plugins in ProTools or LogicPro X without the need for a 3rd party bridging solution
  • Support for native Apple Audio Unit plugins
  • Dry/wet ratio can be adjusted for each loaded plugin.
  • Individual bypass for each loaded plugin
  • Full plugin delay compensation included.
  • Automate up to 100 parameters by mapping them on any parameter of a loaded plugin
  • Negligible additional CPU overhead.
  • Synths can also be loaded and played with any MIDI control, which means you can create custom synthesizers with existing building blocks.
  • Up to 4x oversampling option of the whole signal chain is available.
  • Included: mid-side matrix, multiband splitter and cross track send/receive helper plugins.
  • Define your own colour palette for the plugin: check!
  • Freely resizable plugin window for maximum convenience: check!
  • Can be used as a VST to AU wrapper, a VST to RTAS wrapper, an AU to RTAS-wrapper, VST to AAX wrapper or an AU to AAX wrapper.
  • VST3 plugins now supported, so VST3 to AU, VST3 to RTAS and VST3 to AAX is possible as well. Plus, of course, VST3 to VST or VST to VST3.

I am in the process of picking it up myself and I will post my findings on here. I think that is a great place to start to look for an alternative to JBridge.

Enjoy your day

Marc P - Face of Stone

0 votes
answered Aug 3, 2019 by kalvinmunlynjr (140 points)
You might want to try this: Use the JBridger tool to wrap the plugins into a folder. Then move that folder somewhere where your regular plugins are not. For instance: if Studio One 4 scans all your plugins from Program files/ VST, move the folder you wrapped all your 32bit plugins in to the root folder Program Files.

Now, go into you preferences (Studio One/Options/Locations) click "Add" and add the folder where all the wrapped plugins are from JBridge.

After doing so, Studio One 4 will automatically rescan for plugins. After it has finished scanning you will notice that the Jbridge VST's aren't showing in your browser or anywhere in Studio One 4 for that matter. DONT FRET...go to the next step.

 Go to a track and attempt to add a plugin onto the channel. On top of the list of VST's / plugins, you'll see SORT BY : FLAT   FOLDER   VENDOR... Click on VENDOR.You should see folders that look like so [jbridge] Vendor name etc. IF you open those folders, all your 32bit plugins from that vendor are in there and ready to be loaded in Studio One 4.