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mu UC mixer is bypassed but still no sends from cubase 9.5

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asked Oct 30, 2018 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by edoardomorelli (120 points)

I was trying to hook up my external FX with cubase 9.5 (windows 10 64)
I assigned the send to a line output 1 and return to mic 3 & 4.
At first I experienced a lot of feedback, than I made research  here and I found that you have to disable the mixer (thank god I finally figured it out) But than I made another project in cubase 9.5 and redone everything but nothing, the external reverb (I tried different processors) doesn't get any sound from cubase/line output.
I'm loosing a lot of time tring to do simple things with no results.
I need help
