Questions & Answers

single midi notes sustaining when played in on Kronos and NI Komplete Konrol

+4 votes
asked Oct 20, 2018 in Studio One 4 by markbeling (1,450 points)
Hi folks

I am having an issue lately in Studio One 4 latest update.

When i am recording staccato notes either on my Korg Kronos or my NI Komplete Kontrol,it starts of recording the notes as played in but after a bar or two, on of the random notes just sustains on the recorded mid.

i have not made any changes to my settings in Studio One.

I have deleted previous versions just now to see if this could have had in impact on what was happening

I have set My Korgs midi clock to external

And yet this problem still persists.

What could be the issue,.... pls help me someone.....i am pulling my hair out here.....I have been a user since the first incarnation and love Studio One, this is the first REAL bug i have come across.

thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2021 by realmichaud (190 points)

Having same issue, cant figure out how to make arp work. I have Komplete Kontrol A61 Keyboard. As seen below it just showes sustained.


