Questions & Answers

Audio box USB no longer recognized by Mac

+1 vote
asked Nov 13, 2018 in AudioBox USB by josephwalker7 (130 points)
Been using the audio box usb black edition for 2 years now with no problems. Never had to use universal control or anything, it just worked. Now out of nowhere with the new OS10.14 update, I can not get my iMac to recognize the interface. I’ve installed universal control and it hasn’t helped at all. Really stuck.

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 14, 2018 by simoncarlton (160 points)
I'm having the exact same problem - I have tried installing drivers that were on this site but to no avail.

Apple have managed to turn into Microsoft. Such poor customer service and a constant plethora of updates and patches to fix the last update that wasn't sandboxed.

Going into the loft to find my Atari ST.
0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2019 by nathanlavoie (270 points)
Had the same issue, fixed by adding a USB Hub between the AudioBox and the Mac.  Messy but worked.
0 votes
answered Jun 27, 2020 by strangemood (140 points)
Same issue. Audiobox iOne. No longer recognized by my Mac running Catalina. Universal Control does not recognize. Nor does my ipad.
0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2020 by dermbet (190 points)
Same problem. Started around mid July. a few restarts of the mac and it finally recognised the Audiobox. But now it's not recognising at all. Checked all settings. Power and signal to the box but can't find it in Audio Setup, Audio Device.
0 votes
answered Aug 6, 2020 by paulfornia (140 points)
I had the same problem. After trying all of the above with no fix, I used the presonus hardware uninstaller (included in the driver downloads) to uninstall everything, then restarted laptop, then reinstalled the driver, and that did the trick.