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Updated Warping/Timestretching implementation for drums.

+1 vote
asked May 17, 2024 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by jrwaltb (250 points)
Please update the time-stretching, transient detection, and warping functions in S1 to provide more accurate slice detection and additional options. Specifically, it would be beneficial to have the option to disable the translucent marker for attack look-ahead during auto-detection.

I understand that overhauling the entire warping and time-stretching functionality is a significant undertaking and that it may be challenging to match Ableton's capabilities. However, implementing highly accurate auto transient slicing with MIDI file creation could substantially bridge the gap when combined with the existing "tape-resampler" algorithm and MIDI groove quantizing functionality.

With improved auto-slicing, S1 could also introduce a "rex" option in the time-stretch menu, allowing users to bypass warping altogether.