Questions & Answers

FR: Mixer channel output to "NONE"

+4 votes
asked Dec 22, 2015 in Studio One Feature Requests by Scoox (17,250 points)

I don't know if this would be useful to anybody

In S1 all mixer channels must send audio to another mixer channel, in other words, there isn't a "None" option in the target channels list, shown below:

Basically I would like the "None" option to be added to that drop-down. Reaper has this, FL Studio has this. Here's Reaper's implementation:

Currently my workaround is to create an FX or a Bus channel, which I usually rename to "NONE", and then set the other channels to output to the NONE channel, as follows:

Thank you

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 22, 2015 by niles (54,670 points)
selected Nov 24, 2016 by Scoox
Best answer

Another workaround is to add a dummy channel in the Audio I/O setup not routed to any channel and included in the default I/O setup. This way it's always there and you don't need to create a dummy bus.



0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2015 by Scoox (17,250 points)

I love your solution Niles, really neat, thanks! I just tested and this trick works even when switching audio devices, as S1 seems to preserve any inputs & outputs you set up regardless of the device use.

My only question is, does this method (and the one I used to use) waste any resources? Would it be computationally more efficient to have a dedicated "NONE" destination that's specifically coded for this purpose?

0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2015 by niles (54,670 points)
edited Dec 23, 2015 by niles

Scoox answer of course both methods will use resources, since there simply is a bus added. But the amount of resources for this single bus really is marginal. I doubt a native solution would consume less resources, since the calculation still have to be made.

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2022 by nsalzman (290 points)
edited Apr 2, 2022 by nsalzman

Hi  Scoox and niles,

While this is an older question - I'd like to add a use case:

I tend to record external synths, which as of SO5 can be created, recorded, and bounced as with VST... however - I generally record audio on a separate track using the instrument AUX channel. If I don't send that output to 'none', it doubles the signal. So I use niles' solution and create a stereo output bus called 'Null', and send the audio out there.

I do a lot of know twiddling while recording. While I can probably send custom patch-changes, and record automation channels as needed - my goal isn't to memorialize the performance midi source - but to print the resulting audio track for later mixing.

This has been captured as an KB article for SO4. If in the time since this question was asked, there are better solutions - I'd like to hear, thanks!
