Questions & Answers

Failed to launch plug-in scan process!

+3 votes
asked Dec 9, 2018 in Studio One 4 by patrick68 (150 points)
I am using Splice to download and try out plug-ins on Studio One 4 Pro. Every time i launch the program, on the messages menu it says "failed to launch plug-in scan process!" and therefore wont allow me to use plug-ins. I have changed the VST scan location and have reset the blacklist a few times but they have had no affect on the situation.

I am running the latest version of windows 10 on an rog gl502vm.

Any suggestions on how to fix the issue?

7 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2019 by jean-franoiscournoyer (180 points)
i have exactly the same problem anyone please Presonus we are waiting thank yoy
0 votes
answered Jan 14, 2019 by michaelhoyt (180 points)
Same thing is happening to me today. I hit cancel to get around the plug-in scan lock up but none of my VST's show in mix chains. I have to finish a major project and my whole day has been wasted so far.
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2019 by jonf (190 points)
I have S1 Artist 4.5.1 and had been using the included add ons with no problem.

However, I recently tried the S1 Pro Demo, and since then I cannot use the included add-ons. I've reactivated the Artist version, but get a "Failed to Launch Plugin Scan Process." when starting up.
0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2019 by jonf (190 points)
Update on the below regarding the included add-ons with S1 Artist.  Mine work now after updating to the latest version.  Hope this helps!!
+1 vote
answered Jun 14, 2020 by itisisinternational (180 points)

I'm having the same problem. Latest version on a Mac tower. 

+2 votes
answered Aug 27, 2020 by williamclark9 (180 points)
I had this and it was my antivirus pc matic. Try disabling it for 5 minutes.
0 votes
answered Oct 6, 2020 by ukaszparysek (140 points)
I have the same problem :( Studio One 5 MacOS Catalina MacBook Pro 2012