Questions & Answers

Can't find a good basic vocal reverb effect on Studiolive PreSonus StudioLive Series III 16R rack mixer

+9 votes
asked Dec 13, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by nikolaosarnaoutakis (320 points)
After listening all the available reverbs on my 16 R Studiolive Series III rack mixer, I just cant find a good basic reverb that I can use for Vocals like a good basic hall reverb or a good basic plate reverb. I have tried to edit some of the available reverbs on the available reverb modules provided, but again without any satisfactory results !  Does anybody with this mixer have any opinions on the subject or similar views ?

Kind regards


8 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 20, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
If you wish to wise a DAW such as Studio One that came with your mixer you could use a plugin live.
+1 vote
answered Dec 20, 2018 by stephenpertesis (230 points)
You are correct; they aren't good. I found ONE useable one which is the "concert hall" on the digital reverb. I have to set the diffusion almost all the way up or else any snare I might send will get really bad ping-pong type slap backs (hard to explain; just not good). The effects on the X32 are better and more cohesive. I should have sprung for the extra $150 to get the X32 rack. Presonus is making a good attempt, but I made a poor choice in purchase here. It's VERY entry level compared to x32.
0 votes
answered Dec 20, 2018 by nikolaosarnaoutakis (320 points)
Dear Steve,

Thank you very much for your answer.

It is a very good suggestion and now I am using this setting you just suggested !

I really dont know though what to do regarding a good vocal reverb sound for this mixer

I hope Presonus will release some better reverbs soon !

Maybe I should buy an external good reveb effect processor but then this defeats the object  having a digital mixer !!


Nikos Arnaoutakis

Aghios Nikolaos Crete
0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2018 by nikolaosarnaoutakis (320 points)
Thank you jonny for your suggestion.

Its an interesting aproach but that would complicate things in a live performanse environment and also it would require carring an extra piece of hardware with you !
0 votes
answered Apr 5, 2019 by jeffreydoan (140 points)
I'm still using my 16.0.2, so can 't you the exact effects I use since the names may be different.  I use a combo of Studio A SMALL ROOM and Ping Pong Trip PINGPONG DELAY.
You can experiment by hooking up the mixer with a pair of PAs, then listening to each effect to see which one sounds best to your ears.  Don't use headphones, since the effects heard thru headphones won't be the same as in real live.
0 votes
answered Dec 31, 2019 by Jstudiosound (430 points)

I have a Studiolive Series III and have the same issue with poor sounding reverbs.

I just want a good sounding reverb for a vocalist to use while tracking.  The studio live series 3 reverb’s are not as good as any plug-ins that I have. Using plug-ins is not an option for me because the round-trip delay through the mixer and back out to the USB digital input has too much latency (even with small buffer sizes) to be acceptable for the vocalist. I really do wish they would produce a better reverb option for the studio live series III consoles. 

 I must say though, other than that I really am extremely happy with this console in my studio. It provides so much flexibility, and the integration to StudioOne in my opinion is stellar. I very seldom use my mouse on 3rd party plugins anymore. I just use the knobs on my Fat Channel, close my eyes and listen : ).


0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2021 by guillaumelanglais (2,730 points)
Completly OK with you. Any good reverb in SL32. I would like Presonus make some reverb plugins for console. There's enough dynamics plugins
+1 vote
answered May 2, 2023 by michaelroy1 (1,190 points)
I've heard this a lot from users of the StudioLive Series III consoles however, I must disagree.  Right out of the box, the effects may not be perfect but with the vast adjustment options as well as processing on the effects sends and returns, I've been able to achieve great effects and more specifically vocal reverb.  You may want to try implementing the Capital Studio's EQ strategy for vocal reverbs which is a HPF at 600 and a LPF at 10k.  I will sometime add about a 3dB cut around 600-800.  This helps to keep the vocals right up front while still having the reverb surround the vocal.  

Another suggestion to get better vocal reverb is to blend two effects together.  Using a short reverb with a long reverb can really thicken the vocal and add a more rich sounding reverb.  

Hope that help everyone!  Happy Mixing!