Questions & Answers

io44 - Please give it a better reverb effect. The current one sounds like a bathroom lol!

+6 votes
asked Apr 25, 2022 in Revelator Series by christiandimarco (230 points)

Hi. I’m very familiar with reverb hardware and software plugins. I just purchased an io44 for the DSP effects for a compact and portable audio interface to use with iOS. The Fat Channel Compressor and EQ sound good. The channel reverb however is horrible. Sounds like reverb in a bathroom lol. 
Can you please look at adding a better reverb effect, perhaps as part of Fat Channel so it can be added to any of the presets as well? Implementing something like the PreSonus: Room Reverb to the io44 DSP would be fantastic. 

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 24, 2022 by michaelincavo (270 points)
I second this. Totally unusable reverb, hard to imagine it has any connection to the StudioLive. Would love to see some revisions or options on the algorithm.
0 votes
answered Dec 23, 2022 by markowivolin (300 points)
+1 on this feature request. The reverb really is horrible, just barely barely usable in limited use cases.

Also this feature request should perhaps be in the Revelator IO24 and IO44 page instead of Revelator USB microphone..?