Questions & Answers

Is this an interface problem.

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asked Dec 23, 2015 in FireStudio Series by Geoff Jung (120 points)
I have some kind of digital distortion, at intermittent time, from Studio One (v2) to my SL 24.4.2.  Originally, I was using the 1394 connection to my HP laptop (Windows 10), but found out that the chip set was not supported, so I bought an express card that was (VIA) and I still have the same problem.  Has anyone else had this issue?  If so, what is the fix?  Thanks Geoff.

1 Answer

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answered Dec 23, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
I have seen issues with the VIA chips. The only chip that I would recommend is a Texas Instruments chip. I have used Startech cards with the TI chip for years with no error.