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Anyone able to get Alpha Forever working with Studio One v.4?

+1 vote
asked Dec 29, 2018 in Studio One 4 by ien (740 points)
When i insert it into a song it creates a track but doesn't create a channel. There's no output channels on the interface either, only input. Unable to create a bus from the channel. Also unable to route it to the input of an audio channel. There just seems to be no way to get output from it, which must be something peculiar about Studio One since i've got it working in both Cakewalk and Reaper without hassle.

It receives MIDI input.

Anyone with an idea?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by tomslowcat (3,670 points)
edited Oct 27, 2020 by tomslowcat
Hey! I can confirm this issue here too in S1 v4.6. I have contacted the devs but will also open a ticket with Presonus so this can be investigated from both sides.

EDIT: AF know about the issue and there is a workaround: open AF as an insert plugin in an audio channel, then create a MIDI track rooted to the instrument. This seems to do the trick. Hope that helps (if you haven't already found out about it since it's an old enough ticket. :) )