Questions & Answers

Does anyone know how to get audio working on a M-Audio Keystation MINI 32 MK3 MIDI keyboard?

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asked Jan 5, 2021 in Studio One 5 by barryroberts6 (120 points)
I am new to Studio one 5 and I have a M-Audio Keystation MINI 32 MK3 MIDI keyboard, I have followed all the steps in setting it up but there is no audio. All the YouTube videos say connect via USB to your computer which I have followed, and although I am getting a signal there is no audio coming out of my speakers. I have added the keyboard and the instrument as external devices and then selected an instrument and dragged across. I have then selected a pre-set sound from the drop down box upon clicking on the crown icon and still nothing. Can anyone help? Thanks.

1 Answer

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answered Dec 4, 2021 by johnlauterjung (320 points)
Barry, I have 2 Keystations and here are my suggestions (I assume you've tried most of these, but just in case...):

1. Check your devices and printers to make sure your computer recognizes your keyboard and has loaded the drivers.

2. Make sure your external device keyboard says "None" in the "Send To" Field

3. Load an instrument like Presence from the browser in studio one by dragging it to a new instrument track

4. Select your keyboard as the input device

5. You still won't hear anything until you "arm" the track for recording and monitoring

Hope that helps. Let me know how you do.