Questions & Answers

Mixer not bypassed when bypass mixer selected

0 votes
asked Jan 3, 2019 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by paultumelty (170 points)


If I bypass the mixer using the setting on the control panel, I would have expected none of the sliders to have any effect on output level.

However, if I change the DAW1 slider (whilst the mixer is bypassed), it does alter the level of the sound coming out of my monitors.

I've also noticed that the DB value shown in the mixer, doesn't line up with the markings on the fader. In the screenshot below, i'm dragging the fader to around -6, yet it shows as -0.05db???

The mixer bypass setting also seems to be lost on a reboot, which is slightly annoying.

Any ideas?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2019 by manfredlang (340 points)
Hi, I had the same problem with the bypass not bypassing. After some back and forth with support I got this answer:

"Bottom line, the UC should not be able to dictate signal routing and mixing when Bypassed.  This is most certainly a bug.  We will log it and report it to the developers."