Questions & Answers

Getting from Garageband/Midi Guitar 2 to Notion 6 score

0 votes
asked Jan 7, 2019 in Notion by tedhorsch (220 points)
I’m new to Notion 6 and trying to figure out how to get simple guitar melodies scored.  I want to save time by playing the notes on my guitar rather than composing note-by-note in Notion 6.

I have an iMac with 1TB HDD and 24 GB memory and i5 processor running Mojave.  I’m using a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 connected to my acoustic guitar with built-in pickup.  I purchased Midi Guitar 2 to create Midi files.  I use the Midi Guitar 2 plug in in Garageband to create a midi track.  

So far, so good.  I can see and play the track in Garageband.

But now I’m stuck.  How can I get from the track in a Garageband .band file to a filet ype that Notion 6 can read and convert to a score?  Or, how can I go directly from Midi Guitar 2 to Notion 6 score?  

Not doing anything fancy—just simple melodies.

Is it possible to do this?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2019 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
Hi there,
unfortunately GarageBand does not let you export MIDI. We don't know MIDI Guitar 2, however, Notion does have built-in presets to cope with MIDI in from Guitars using audio to MIDI converters. Good examples of these can be found by Sonuus and Fishman (TriplePlay)
