Questions & Answers

No sound to Matrix Mix after restarting SL16R III

0 votes
asked Jan 9, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by danielsievert (11,890 points)
I'm currently using my SL16R III on a theatre show and I have several pairs of FOH speakers to address individually - as well as subwoofers - because of the shape of the room.

I have setup two stereo paired and one mono matrix mix with only the Main Out included in those mixes.

The mono matrix output has the high shelf filtering down to 140Hz to help the subs because they don't seem to have a reasonable cross-over of their own.

The issue I'm having is that every time I cycle the power on the 16R I find that no sound is going to the Sub matrix mix (Mix7). When I set the send point from Post to Pre and then back to Post again the sound comes back but only until the power is cycled again.

I can't see that I'm doing anything that should be causing this issue and the other two stereo matix mixes don't behave like this.  Any ideas would be welcome.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2021 by joshsarah (580 points)
selected Feb 8, 2021 by danielsievert
Best answer
I also have this exact same “bug” with our studiolive iii 32 with newest firmware. Presonus do you have an answer?
0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2021 by danielsievert (11,890 points)
Hi joshsarah,

I suspect, considering I was having this issue back in January 2019 (two years ago) that they probably don't have an answer if you're still having the same issue now.  If you contact the Factory Reset Team they may be able to instruct you to do a Factory Reset. Otherwise as long as the issue remains listed as a "known issue" you should be OK with that right?

Unfortunately at this point in time I've given up on the idea that my mixers will work as intended.  The instance of a scene recall corrupting the base routing functions of my SL24mkIII was just about the last straw for me.  Of course the factory reset that I was instructed to perform DID repair the issue but that didn't help me until after that show.

Updating the base firmware on my SL24mkIII to the latest - as instructed - has not yet fixed the issue of buttons randomly flickering different colours. I'm still waiting for the metering in UC Surface or UC Control to be even remotely close in timing to the input signal. I eagerly await the day that the Gate Gain Reduction meter in UC Surface/Control represents anything at all (apart from maybe the trajectory of a yo-yo).  Still also wondering how many desperate pleas from SL mixer owners it takes to convince Presonus that an offline editor is a valuable(essential) addition...

I could go on but I won't.  Hopefully you can find a suitable work-around for your matrix bus problem.