Questions & Answers

Ability to add tags to plugins

+37 votes
asked Jan 22, 2019 in Look and Feel by Digivolt (280 points)
It would be nice for instance I just wanted to see my compressors to choose from, I could just type compressor in the search and they all pop up

Or if I wanted to define certain characteristic tags to certain plugins

Just a simple ability to right click a plugin, "add tag" and enter what I want and it becomes searchable in future, it would make workflow a hell of a lot better than having to remember the plugin name in a sea of plugins that you collect over time

7 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 7, 2020 by Sturphy (890 points)
YES.  THIS.  Dying for this.  I want to have my plugins organized in Folders, but be able to search for tagged plugs like "vintage", "clean", "color", etc.
+3 votes
answered Apr 9, 2021 by roysonboleh (1,300 points)
Also, there are many plugins that have multiple effects in one vst so it would be nice to be able to tag it with each effect type. I.e. a compressor with built in EQ and saturation. Tags: Saturation, EQ, Comps.

With the folder system, you can have the vst in only one folder at a time. That sucks.
+3 votes
answered Apr 14, 2022 by ivoletzas (230 points)
This is much needed. We should be able to tag a plugin which does compression and saturation as both. Plugins can have more than one ability or property. The folder structure is really outdated and restricting us to classify each plugin to one characteristic.

It should be another sort possibility next to folder (or in my opinion even replace the folder) in the plugin and instrument browser.
+2 votes
answered Apr 15, 2022 by mikeglass (1,050 points)
This is absolutely needed. I have so many plugins and if I need a vintage-sounding saturator and go to my "Saturator" folder I will not see all of the limiters, compressors and preamps that provide vintage saturation because all of those plugins will be in their respective folders. Conversely, if I put those in a "Vintage Saturation" folder I will not see them when I am looking for, say, a compressor. I am currently managing this all manually outside of Studio One and it is and absolute pain. I need to be able to take a compressor with many tags and then filter by tag. So, a plugin with the tags compressor, saturator, vintage color and EQ will come up when I am looking for Vintage Color and when I am just needing a compressor or an EQ.

Please consider making this a top priority.
0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2022 by wopxhobq (150 points)

I prefer to tag individual presets within plugins, not individual plugins.

Currently, using AKAI VIP 3 has almost achieved the following.

  • Instrument type, effect type, vendor name, region of the instrument, speed of rise and decay of sound, favorite level, etc. are set as tags. The types of tags are unlimited, and you can create as many as you like with any name you like.
  • It has a multi-column (six columns for AKAI VIP) browser, much like Omnisphere 2's patch browser. If you tag in advance, you can intuitively list presets such as "slow-starting piano", "acoustic solo vocal from Omnisphere", "8bit drum sound source", etc.
  • Even if the plug-in map is not prepared on the VIP side, you can save one preset information simply by selecting a preset on the sound source side and clicking a button on the VIP screen.

However, AKAI VIP 3 has the following problems. I would be very happy if Studio One could solve this.

  • Only VST2 is supported.
  • The text is small and the contrast is high, which is very eye tiring.
  • "Rename" and "Remove" in the context menu of presets and tags are adjacent to each other, and you may click them incorrectly. There is no confirmation when removing.
  • You can't rename presets or create and delete tags all at once, so you need to edit them one by one. In addition, it is necessary to use the right click of the mouse frequently, and the operation cannot be completed only with the keyboard.
  • To edit the name of a preset, you need to select it by clicking it once. When selected, the sound source is forcibly loaded, so editing heavy sound sources is just hell.
  • Eastwest's Play sound source cannot be mixed down properly, and the track is cut off in the middle.
  • Arturia's V Collection 7 sounds cannot be played properly, and one track occupies dozens of percent of CPU resources.

Although AKAI VIP 3 is a powerful VST management tool, it has some drawbacks such as editing functions. However, since there is no alternative software, I have already spent years editing the library ....

+2 votes
answered Oct 15, 2023 by popraresvlad (180 points)
Please add this as soon as possible!!!! I need this!!!
+1 vote
answered Oct 15, 2023 by manuelmanzotti (210 points)

This option is a MUST HAVE!!! Imagine you have a compressor or delay, that are very good just for vintage or guitar and so one. You can select the Tag "Vintage" or "Guitar" and then Compressor or Delay, Reverb or what do you want and boom, there you have it.
