Some parts of the GUI are completely useless. I keep asking for fix as this is really urgent. No matter how functional the DAW is, if the screen is not readable the DAW = TRASH
There is a simple feature which (when added) would resolve the issue. Allow user to customize each font size and color. Probably filtering the size by some reasonable range. For example I select CTRL/CMD+SHIFT+F and the pop-up window allows to select a Font Size and Font color. This would initially should be applied to most troublesome items (i.e event names, note colors, some menu selections, help, etc) but then later applied to all items. another way to do this is simply allow to access SQLite through the API or directly and modify the specific table where the information is stored. AFAIK, the colors are not hard coded (or it would be total disaster). I would create simple stand alone App which would modify these values from the browser. There are many ways of doing this.
the tricks mentioned here with resizing Windows, changing DPI etc do not work well. If the scaling in WINDOWS is set to 150% and S1 GUI is readable, then other apps go beyond the monitor frame etc. Not every available program is scalable or updated to adhere to the OS scaling. This is very complex issue and the best way to deal with it is to allow when it needed within S1, not within the OS.
I am typing this while S1 v6.6 is the curent one and this issue still has not been resolved. On my 4K screens it is very hard to work.