Questions & Answers

Are Presonus Series III Console Avnu Certified?

0 votes
asked Feb 4, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by ratulkapoor (120 points)
I want to use the Series III console with Biam Tesira DSP on AVB. Are the console mixers Avnu certified?

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Jun 3, 2019 by markthompson30 (120 points)
edited Jun 3, 2019 by markthompson30

I have been advised by Biamp that technically the PreSonus consoles are not AVNU certified (even though the company is registered on the AVNU Alliance website), and are not guaranteed to work with other AVB products.  We need to push PreSonus to have their products AVNU certified.

See also:


Would love someone at PreSonus to tell me otherwise.  And secondly, how can you have AVB products and not function with other AVB devices?  AVB is a standard...

commented Jun 5, 2019 by benpierce (99,440 points)
AVB is not a complete standard yet. MILAN is the standard that everything AVB will be certified with, but MILAN is not yet complete. PreSonus is actively working towards that and does work with some other AVB products currently such as Motu and Luminex.