Questions & Answers

Integrate hardware synth

+3 votes
asked Feb 6, 2019 in Studio One 2 by leotannerfalk (290 points)


I've tried so many times to integrate my synth to Studio One 2 but never succeeded. All I want to do is to record the audio from my synth to my Stuido One 2. Help would be much appreciated.

I got a Scarlett 2i2 Studio audio interface and a Korg - microKorg XL synthesizer. I have plugged in output cables, left and right, in both my interface and synth. Is there anything more to setup?

In Studio One\external devices there is only talk about MIDI, but since I want to record audio I do not know what to chose.

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jul 17, 2019 by michaelpardus1 (2,720 points)
This is way too complicated in studio one. I was unable to do it either. In Bitwig you just add instrument, add it to your track and it works. No complicated routing. Just works. SO is missing here a lot
0 votes
answered May 20, 2020 by petrirahja (190 points)

Agree that Studio One is missing one feature that others have and that is an external device type of track. Hope they will add this feature pretty soon.

However you can record external synth, but you need to create a midi track to send midi to synth and an audio track to get audio in. This works great, but indeed needs an extra step.

(And of course you need to configure your audio I/O to route your synth audio into S1)

