Questions & Answers

EXTERNAL DEVICES: Improve & simplify : specially for devices like DIVISIMATE using multiple ports

+2 votes
asked Jul 29, 2021 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by nonchai (1,410 points)

I just had to go through a lengthy laborious entry procedure to add DIVISIMATE as  DEVICE and use it. 

I had to create 32 device entries. 

In Ableton and Cubase I had to do none of this. I didn't even have to create any device at all before I could start using DIVISIMATE.

Divisimate uses up to 32 MIDI ports to operate. And for each port of DIVISIMATE I need in a project in S1, S1 requires me to create an entry. 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 13, 2021 by (140 points)
How do i get an application no to download in my handphone for my Prosonus eris e4.5 to pait with another speakers