Questions & Answers

FEATURE REQUEST: Better Distinguishable Color Between the Pads

+16 votes
asked Feb 11, 2019 in Atom Pad Controllers by bluesdelux (500 points)

Maybe it's just my eyes, but I don't see any difference with the color on the pads when selecting from a specific color family to assign to the Atom pads.

For instance, I would like to use a dark yellow for cymbals and a light yellow for hi hats. When I choose two different yellows—one dark, one light—from the yellow family, I don't see any difference on the pads themselves, they both are the same yellow, although they're clearly distinguishable in the color selector. I'm in a dark, dungeon-like room fyi. smiley

Other than this, for me, the Atom rocks! 

Thanks Presonus!   

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 5, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Feb 28, 2019 by buddybudsen (550 points)
Same here... there seems to be a "base color" on the Atom Controller for some color variations within the GUI.