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asked Feb 12, 2019 in Studio One 4 by rnasto (190 points)

This link did not answer my question.  I had tried all of those steps prior to sending a help request, and even followed the directions again, to no avail.  I have my external device selected and there is no playback through my external device.  I am trying to find out if there is a setting somewhere in the DAW that I should be looking at?  I am not seeing a transmission signal from the DAW to the ext device.  What else should I be trying... my external device plays back on other applications, not Studio for some reason.  Thank you, Rich
related to an answer for: MIDI playback through keyboard

1 Answer

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answered Feb 12, 2019 by pauldecesare (5,720 points)

Assuming you are using Studio One, look on the track in the main window. Right next to the red icon to arm the track to record you'll see a blue button. That's for monitoring. Click on that and sound should come alive in your near-fields or cans, whatever you are using to listen. Here's an older PreSonus vid that might help: 

asked Feb 13, 2019 in Studio One 4 by rnasto (190 points) Not answered