Questions & Answers

Studio One 4 mute and solo buttons not working

0 votes
asked Feb 15, 2019 in Studio One 4 by stevepierce2 (200 points)
The mute and solo buttons on individual tracks don't work. Will not mute or solo track.



2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 15, 2019 by stevepierce2 (200 points)
Ok, Figured this out (sort Of) . In Song setup checking off any of the monitoring options doesn't allow the mute and solo buttons to be activated.

When unchecked, they work as they should. I'm new to studio One so still figuring this out.
0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2020 by briansmith56 (290 points)

For me,  I noticed my solo'd tracks were going to my Listen Bus.   When I check the I/O I had no output channels assigned to the Listen Bus.

After I assigned the Listen Bus to L/R also, everything began to work again. 
