Questions & Answers

Can I use StudioLive 24r as a mixer for monitors and pair with a 16R for FOH with Cat6?

0 votes
asked Mar 10, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by ptpiz (150 points)
I know that you can connect the two devices and stream the audio via AVB, but how many channels does the 16r support? Will it support all 32 channels that I have on my 24r when connected via Cat5?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2019 by danielsievert (11,890 points)
selected Mar 13, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
The 16R can source audio from any of the AVB streams but it only has 16 input channels, 1 x stereo digital return and 2 x stereo FX return channel (plus talkback) available for any Mix / FlexMix.

So in this case your FOH mix would smaller than your total inputs from the SL24R III.