Questions & Answers

Permanently Rename Plugins in Broswer

+174 votes
asked Dec 30, 2015 in Studio One Feature Requests by Funkybot (21,640 points)
If you have lots of plugins where the names all begin with prefixes like "TRacks" or "UAD" or "Virtual..." you may not want the ability to permanently rename those plugins in the browser. The idea is you'd rename them once in the Plugin Browser/Manager and the name would stay that way in the browser and all views until you changed it again (obviously you'd have the option to restore to default too).

How it would work:

1. With the Plugin Browser/Manager open

2. Right Click Plugin

3. In pop-up menu, I have the option to overwrite the plugin name (could work similar to naming arranger track sections where you just type over it) or have a menu item to "Rename Plugin." Doing so, would overwrite the plugin name in the browser and how it appears in any Effect Bins by default. Note: if a user had manually renamed a plugin in an Effect Bin in the past, that prior name should remain unchanged

4. If right+clicking a plugin that's already been renamed, a new menu option should appear called "Restore Plugin Name." This would revert the plugin name back to default.

17 Answers

+10 votes
answered Dec 30, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Thanks for the suggestion.

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, please vote on it.
+6 votes
answered Mar 6, 2016 by benreaves (11,480 points)
I actually tried doing this earlier today. Would be nice. For instance, I have to rename "MeterPlugs Dynameter x64" every time I insert it. Its name is impractically long, and I'd just like to shorten it in the browser.
+6 votes
answered Dec 14, 2018 by federicosilva (4,610 points)
This is a must have feature.
+7 votes
answered Jan 5, 2019 by brionreid (2,330 points)

WORK AROUND: Saving a preset appears to save the edited name from the tab in the Editor
So rename the VST in the Editor tab then Save as Default Preset from the Editor
Next time you add it, it should, have the short name.
This was irritating me too... hope you find this useful.

+7 votes
answered Nov 21, 2019 by nathanielwalker1 (280 points)
I tried a trial of Studio One and immediately uninstalled when I realized how bad the plugin management was.  SONAR, REAPER, and ACID Pro all allow you to set a Friendly plugin name, and SONAR even chooses an acceptable friendly name out of the box, when it loads the plugin.  Studio One just seems to choose the name of the DLL file, which is unacceptable.

This happens for all VST2 Plugins (Effect and Instrument).

I tried for an hour to look for a way to fix it, and just decided to uninstall the application, instead.

So much for being eager to switch after the trial.
+7 votes
answered Jul 19, 2020 by benreaves (11,480 points)
This hasn't gotten any attention in quite a few years. Some companies have changed their plugins' default names, but at large, this is still something I'd like implemented for simplicity's sake reading the Console.
+8 votes
answered Nov 5, 2020 by hendrikhausen (440 points)
Has there been any update on this in the last 5 years? I think it shouldnt be that hard to implement to store some Alias Name for each plugin. :)
+5 votes
answered Dec 18, 2020 by nathanielwalker2 (440 points)
More than a year later, and I'm guessing it hasn't been addressed?
+8 votes
answered Aug 3, 2021 by davidviera2 (1,120 points)
Yes please! Many others DAW allows you to change the name of what they show on plugin manager...  I don´t know why Presonus didn´t implement it... It's easy as make a "layer of names" to the DAW where 1 (real name file) = 2 (name showed custom edited by the user)

It's annoying to see names with no capital words or _ - as separator, or redundant appendices...

But not only is just an aesthetical feature... It will have an impact to fast behavior to the user having his plugins well custom organized

Maybe on S5.4 ??????????
+8 votes
answered Aug 21, 2021 by pauldt (400 points)
I was quite shocked regarding this. Twice, in fact.

First I was shocked that such a function did not already exist, since mostly everything else in Studio One already works exactly as one would expect.

Secondly, I was shocked again, and more so, that this had been suggested so, so long ago and no action has been taken to implement it.
+7 votes
answered Mar 27, 2022 by uweschaefer (390 points)
This can't be difficult to implement. So do it...!
+7 votes
answered Jul 3, 2022 by danielstaff1 (890 points)
This request was made 7 years ago with a fair amount of upvotes, Please implement this.
+5 votes
answered Aug 10, 2022 by davidviera2 (1,120 points)
Please PreSonus... This is can be solved with a simple update... It's very annoying have brainworxvocal_v3_x64 or ssl_native_com_v3x64 just illustrating this as an example... Looks what beautiful is this!

Brainworx Vocal

SSL Native Compressor

With .dll files there is no great problem, you can rename the .dll file and S1 recognizes it, but with vst3 you can rename the file but S1 still showing the real dev name...Please solve this!!! You can create a layer A. The name showed on the explorer that call internally to B. the real name
+3 votes
answered Sep 3, 2022 by michaelcollins (1,710 points)
I would like this because, nobody can call the plugin what it actually is due to legal reasons, for analog hardware emulation.

So the Waves VComp is actually an emulation of a Neve 2254/R Diode-Bridge compressor, but I can't know that unless I look it up.  Which is bad for learning what I am actually doing and using, and WHY things sound different from each other.

If I could rename the plugin, I could name it VComp (Neve 2554), then I would know that.

Similar to things like Waves Puigchild, is actually a Fairchild emulation, but I always call it Puigchild and look like an idiot.

The AXEFX has a similar problem where they will call a Diezel amp a "DAS METALL" because they can't say Diezel, which makes it super hard to tell what I am actually liking/using without going on the internet and reminding myself every time.
+3 votes
answered Jun 29, 2023 by joonasmkil (210 points)
Is this still not implemented? It's super annoying when each company has their own formatting in the plugin names, some use abbreviations, some use all caps, some have stupid unnecessary suffixes etc.
+3 votes
answered Sep 28, 2023 by davidschultz2 (580 points)
How is this STILL not a thing? It's just so basic and so useful.
+3 votes
answered Jun 28, 2024 by elmolesto (210 points)
I vote for this. I think it is something extremely necessary and does not seem that complicated to implement.