Questions & Answers

Including an Automatic Vocal Alignment as Part of the Studio One 5 (A native VocALign-like plugin like Cubase)

+33 votes
asked Mar 21, 2019 in Editing by pooyakh (700 points)
edited Jul 11, 2020 by pooyakh
As a Studio One user, I guess integrating a native Automatic Vocal Alignment system into Studio One 5 would be a great idea.

I know that PreSonus is collaborating with Synchro Arts but one cannot avoid the fact that Synchro Arts products are very expensive. Meanwhile, DAWs like Cubase and Reaper already included this feature as part of their software.

Great editing tools of Studio One is really lacking an automatic system for vocal alignment as they can save a great deal of time and energy!

7 Answers

–11 votes
answered Mar 21, 2019 by jm12 (490 points)
they gave us vocalign for that
+5 votes
answered Mar 23, 2019 by sasarajak (2,850 points)
Vocalign that costs mire than Studio One :)

And who keeps voting down good ideas anyway?
+10 votes
answered Aug 29, 2019 by renzodatall (350 points)
Upvote for vocal alignment
+7 votes
answered Sep 30, 2019 by rasheid2kx (600 points)
I would really this implemented in Studio One soon
+4 votes
answered May 29, 2020 by kyfisher (1,540 points)
I would love to see this in studio one

its now in Cakewalk under 'VocalSync', so im hoping more DAWs add it soon

it would be awesome to have it under the 'audio bend' button so you can manually tweek any bits it dosnt get quite right
+3 votes
answered Dec 29, 2020 by mathiagavriel (410 points)
This is a crucial editing tool that is needed. Cakewalk and cubase already have it built in. This would be a game changer, no question!
+1 vote
answered Aug 15, 2021 by chriswagner8 (210 points)
Please. The sooner the better.