Questions & Answers

Why does Studio One not record (detect) my microphone channel on Firestudio Mobile although Universal Control does.

+2 votes
asked Apr 2, 2019 in Studio One 4 by hpienaar (140 points)
Studio One (and Universal control) does 'see' the Firestudio mobile interfance.   But the track doesn't want to record. (I am use to seeing a green vertical bar on the left of the track that indicates the signal) - it does nothing.  There are no "soundwaves" generated on the track when I press record either.

iMac (late 2013) - Mojave

Firestudio Mobile

Unversal Control (1.6.5875) - Driver version

Firewire with Thunderbolt adapter

Things I've done...

- Installing and re-installing everything several times with different versions of UC

- Change the sample rate so that they correspond

- Toggled everything

- Used different boot sequences

- Manualy deleted drivers when uninstalling

- Re-installed my OS completely ( painful :-(  )

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 18, 2019 by gregorpetric (150 points)

Hi, I have a same problem. Hov do you solved this issues

0 votes
answered Nov 6, 2019 by Matt Pfannstiel (140 points)
Did you ever figure it out? Seems to describe my same issue.
0 votes
answered Nov 17, 2019 by rititi (140 points)

I have the same problem since I upgrade the firecontrol driver for Mojave MAC OS. With Studio one my FireStudio24x24 don't work and the Universal control don't run, but my with other DAW I have all line Okey! Is there upgrade to appli for Universal Control available for MAC OS 10.14 or more? Is the Presonus team works on it?