Questions & Answers

Would LOVE Faderport 16 to have a EUCON mode or Avid Media Composer (video editor) support.

+18 votes
asked Apr 9, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by charlesfloramo (290 points)
I would LOVE to use my Faderport 16 in Avid Media Composer. I already use it in Adobe Premiere and love it. The control protocols supported in the video editor software are EUCON, JL Cooper, Avid Artist and MIDI. I have not been able to get control trying all of these. It works fine in ProTools using HUI, but that protocol is not available in the video software to date.

Thank you!

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered May 6, 2019 by KB3DCM (270 points)
I would love to see this too, but EUCON is an Ethernet based protocol, using and Ethernet port, which the Fader Port lacks.

Not sure if there is some software stack that makes a USB device look like an Ethernet device, but I doubt Presonus would dump the resourced into making that happen.

I would be glad to be wrong though.