Questions & Answers

Please add Faderport 16 support for Harrison Mixebus 32C.

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2019 in FaderPort 16 by barrysingleton (430 points)
Harrison Mixbus 32C has support for Faderport 16 built into version 5 and it functions seamlessly like native. It would be excellent if Presonus supported Mixbus so that any future upgrades would be reciprocal.

1 Answer

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answered Jul 11, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,490 points)
Best answer
We already do!

You're right, there is no screen that says "Harrison" in the setup menu.

3rd party integration is done using the Studio One implementation as documented in the back of the FaderPort 8 / 16 Manual.

Customized features / work for another DAW is done in their software that then interprets the commands coming from the Studio One mode in the unit already. The nice folks at Harrison have our hardware, any changes would be for them to implement on their end.