Questions & Answers

Huge Timesaver Request: Imaginary Barline tool or command

+2 votes
asked May 16, 2019 in Notion Feature Requests by danielpinder (320 points)

I would love to see a tool or a command that would help to transform notes which cross the "imaginary barline", like so:

Assuming 4/4, Bar 1 violates the imaginary barline, Bar 2 is corrected for it. This convention is commonly used and the logic of it seems doable to implement. You could select multiple bars, invoke a command and any notes overlapping the boundary between beats 2 & 3 would be split and tied.

Real-world example: This...

would become this:

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 31, 2021 by davidbullock7 (1,220 points)
selected May 31, 2021 by danielpinder
Best answer
Notion 6.8.1 is doing this for me.
0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2022 by robertschleeter (170 points)
I'm with Daniel on this point. Yes, Notion does this most of the time, but I am constantly fixing the dotted-quarter, dotted-quarter, quarter pattern. Am I missing something??