Questions & Answers

S1 Feature Request : Make "View >> Track List" command context sensitive

+1 vote
asked Nov 30, 2022 in Editing by princeagrawal (14,010 points)

The Track List view in Studio One is located in the arranger window as well as in the MIDI editor window (see picture attached). I'd typically like to assign a hotkey to Toggle its view On/Off by assigning a keyboard shortcut to the available command "View >> Track List". However, when working in MIDI editor and executing this command, for some reason, it still opens up the "Track List" in the main arrangement window and not the MIDI editor.

So my feature request is to make this command context sensitive, so that when working inside the MIDI editor, it toggles on/off the visibility of MIDI Track List and when working in arrangement window, it toggles on/off the visibility of arrangement Track List.
