Questions & Answers

How do reply to an answer inside an existing answer?

0 votes
asked Jan 3, 2016 in Studio One 3 by Scoox (17,050 points)
edited Jan 3, 2016 by Scoox

I've seen this done I just can't find a "Reply" or "Comment" button or link, how do I do this?

related to an answer for: [Completed 3.5] Undo on the faders

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 3, 2016 by -Luis- (23,080 points)

This option is only available to Moderators and Admins.

0 votes
answered Jan 3, 2016 by Scoox (17,050 points)

Thanks a lot, I thought I was going mad smiley
