Questions & Answers

Bypass button, routing button and plugin output gain knob on each insert slot

+6 votes
asked May 20, 2019 in Mixing by michaelglus1 (4,240 points)
edited May 24, 2019 by michaelglus1

I'm sure everyone will benefit from workflow enhancement where you can bypass, access routing window and compensate plugin output gain on each insert slot in the mixer.

Check out the picture to understand what I mean:[/img]">

5 Answers

0 votes
answered May 28, 2019 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
I like this idea but how would you know which plugin you are altering without seeing the name?
0 votes
answered May 28, 2019 by michaelglus1 (4,240 points)
Nice question, thanks. I forgot to mention that the buttons appear only when you locate a mouse cursor on it, so you can see names of the plugins without any problems.
0 votes
answered May 28, 2019 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
I see, if i understand your reply you would hover your mouse over the plugin to reveal the controls? Only problem i see with that is you have to ensure that the triangle icon that displays the dialogue box to rename, remove the plugin isn't lost. Other than that i think its a good idea.
0 votes
answered May 28, 2019 by michaelglus1 (4,240 points)
Exactly. The arrow must stay as it is. Don't take my picture as final. I appreciate that you like the idea. Hopefully more people will join.
0 votes
answered Jan 6, 2020 by Raymon5 (1,680 points)
Great request! Or at least add shortcuts for it, like fo rexample "cmd+click" = bypass, "alt+click" = disable, "shift+click"=remove etc...