Questions & Answers

fat channel plugin daw mode control

+4 votes
asked Jun 6, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by deckel22 (310 points)
Hey, does the fat channel of the studiolive 32 SX control the fat channel plugin in studio one like on the board? if you hit the eq button you can hit "high mid" button an turn the gain, freq and q knobs" and the plugin in studio respond to this? Or how does it work?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 6, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

No, for the consoles SL 32SX and SL 32SC the manual "StudioLive_Series_III_Studio_One_DAW_Control_Addendum_EN_V3_25032019" says in section "3.3 Fat Channel Controls":

"Please note: Because of their unique Fixed Mode Fat Channel design, this functionality is not available for the StudioLive 32SX and StudioLive 32SC."

The "old" SL16 does have this functionality.

asked Jun 6, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by deckel22 (310 points)
edited Jun 6, 2019 by deckel22
How does daw mode work on the 32SX and 32SC ?
+1 vote
answered Jun 7, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
I want to answer your second question here in order to give the PreSonus representatives the chance to answer your question officially. Obviously the Studio Live DAW manual needs an update. If you compare it with the other two manuals (HUI and MCU) in section 3.3 "Encoder and Buttons", you can find the information

"The eight buttons and encoders of your StudioLive’s Fat Channel can be used to control many different functions in Mackie Control Universal. Use the Fat Channel mode buttons to switch their functions as follows:

1. Track. Press the Input button to access Track mode.
2. Instrument. Press the Gate button to access Instrument mode.
3. Plugin. Press the Comp button to access Plugin mode.
4. EQ. Press the EQ button to access EQ mode.
5. Send. Press the Aux Sends button to access Send mode.
6. Pan. Press the User button to access Pan mode."

1. Bypass. Press the On button to Bypass the currently selected channel’s inserts.
2. Pan. Press the Input button to access Pan mode.
3. Send A. Press the Gate button to access Send A controls.
4. Send B. Press the Comp button to access Send B controls.
5. Send C. Press the EQ button to access Send C controls.
6. Send D. Press the Aux Sends button to access Send D controls.
7. Send E. Press the User button to access Send E Controls."

Because of the missing scribble strips on two SL III S models there must be a modified approach for Studio One in DAW mode. Just there is no written information available anywhere. I suppose PreSonus will publish a new version of the manual soon, because the two mixers are now available in the shops.
+1 vote
answered Jun 9, 2019 by deckel22 (310 points)

Ok, if it's like that and you use the Fat Channel mode buttons to switch functions it would be great for me!

Seems like I need to buy one and check it for myself if there isn't an updated manual soon.

Thank you for answering my question as good as possible and have a good day! smiley
