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Firestudio Project now has low-level output on channels 1&2

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asked Jul 7, 2019 in FireStudio Series by johnhowarth (120 points)
I have 2 x Firestudio Projects daisy-chained.  All used to be splendid.  I had a moment where things generally went haywire - don't ask me what happened because I was totally confused - lack of signal, inability to sync, loss of all content in the audio folder of Cubase,  but the resolution involved multiple restarts and disconnection/reconnection of various parts.  That incident may or may not be significant, but once everything was apparently working again I discovered low-level output on channels 1 & 2 of the first FS Project unit in the chain, and this continues. These are the channels that are automatically assigned as "Stereo Output" by Cubase, and by the Mac.

The FStudio units are wired through a hardware mixer, both inwards and outwards.  An output signal from the DAW through ch 1 & 2 of the Studio and through ch 1 &2 of the desk produces the low-level I am describing (about 1/4) volume - routing other FW channels thro those channels on the mixer proves that the mixer is OK - the fault is limited to ch 1&2 of the Studio.

My gear:

MacPro OS 10.6.8

Cubase Studio 5

So there's nothing to do with OS or software updating going on there!!  I've been using this setup trouble-free for many years, till now.  Is this likely to be a hardware issue?

Kind Regards,

John Howarth