Questions & Answers

FireStudio Project not recognized and has a solid red light on Windows 10

0 votes
asked Jan 26, 2016 in FireStudio Series by samlyons (150 points)

Not able to get this working, the light on the front stays red, this is my first firewire interface, any ideas? When checking OHCI info i get this.


4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 28, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
selected May 5, 2016 by mattcaprio
Best answer
Here's the firewire compatibility list:

You may want to open a support ticket if you're still having trouble.
0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2016 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Looks like the computer does not have a firewire card installed. you can also download the free utility, latencymon, and run that to get an idea of the problem.
–1 vote
answered Jan 27, 2016 by Ken Krause (190 points)
Even if you have a built-in Firewire port, the unit only works with Texas Insturments chipsets. (I had the same issue, and that's what Presonus Tech Support told me.) If that is the case, you have to get an Express card with the appropriate chipset.

Once I did that everything worked beautifully.
0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2016 by neuberboys (140 points)
I have the exact same problem. But in my case it first stopped working after windows 10 update. Until update everything was working just fine..

I have got the Texas chipset, Ive bought new cable, ran newest driver etc.

Now there is no connection at all and I get the same screendump.