Questions & Answers

Universal control telling me to update firmware to "new" v2.21, device is running v2.22

+5 votes
asked Jul 22, 2019 in AudioBox USB by michaeljackson31 (260 points)
I can't actually access any of the settings, I'm assuming I need to "update" the firmware in order to do so, but generally installing older firmware seems like a bad idea.  

9 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2019 by vitorjoaquim1 (580 points)
same problem with me.
Any reaction from Presonus?
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2020 by reinhardduczek (140 points)
Now it is 2020/02/13. Bought a Studio 68c yesterday and run in the same problem as you. What is the newest Firmware 2.2 or 2.1? Can we get a Release Note? Presonus it is up to you! Please answer our questions.
0 votes
answered Apr 22, 2020 by mattbstroud (140 points)
Same issue, will try to call support.  Very disappointing no one answered in months.
0 votes
answered Jun 5, 2020 by nigeldawson (140 points)
I have the same issue with a unit purchased in April and keeps asking to update to 2.21 with installed version 2.22.

Preventing me from adjusting some settings.
+1 vote
answered Aug 29, 2020 by romualdserrier (160 points)
I just bought a 68c on the 25th of august 2020.
Same thing happen to me.
Universal control ask me to update the firmware to a version showing an older version.
What kind of work is this ?
Moreover I can't set buffer size nor sample rate because of this.

I'm gonna try the "update" so I can set the 68c the way I have to, but this is a really weird way to make your hardware work Presonus.
and if this "update" doesn't work, the 68c would go back to the retailer for a refund.

PS : "update" worked. Settings are able. Hardware seems stable.
0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2020 by bertdeivert1 (140 points)
edited Sep 25, 2020 by bertdeivert1

I have only had my studio 68c since May. I started the Universal Control App today and it notified me of a firmware update to install which I started, I thought it was the newest,and did not disconnect the box or do anything while it was updating., but about halfway through it suddenly showed a dialog box, about stopped connection. When I tried to start PRO TOOLS afterwards it doesn't connect and the interface only has one blue light on.. I am using MAC OSX 10.15.6  I tried to send a support request but it seems not to send... No email confirmation either. I am in the middle of a paid session so this is down time now... :-(  In Sweden so I don't know where to turn. 

UPDATE ---- after a number of restarts I restarted the mac and got universal control working right and started all over again and I was able to install the "old" firmware update.... Now everything is working... PHEW... 

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by michaeljackson31 (260 points)
It's been a year and a half and this is still an issue - I had set it aside and moved on to other things in hope that there would be some improvement in this time.  I saw a new version of universal control, dated November of this year, and was hopeful that there was a firmware update or support for the device, but no.

So at this point I've thrown caution to the wind and "updated" it to the prior firmware, because it's either that or buy a new interface.  Here's hoping that it doesn't break things.

I really would love an answer as to why, after a year and a half, there isn't support for the firmware that shipped on the device.
0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2020 by eddyvanloo (240 points)
It's now end of the year 2020, just got a brandnew 68c and this issue is STILL not solved ?

Can't do anything with the Control panel until I actually DOWNGRADE the firmware ?
How about an official answer or statement from Presonus support ?
Or better yet, an upgrade to Universal control so it doesn't force you to Downgrade from newer factory-installed firmware.
0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2020 by eddyvanloo (240 points)

For those that run into the same problem:

Received an answer from Presonus support:

Please update to v2.21 as prompted. This will be the latest version.

Unfortunately I will never know if that works, as I've  returned the box to the reseller for a refund.
