Questions & Answers

Unable to edit WAV as Melodyne opens instead

0 votes
asked Jul 24, 2019 in Studio One 4 by michaelpardus1 (2,700 points)

I used Melodyne on my WAV file to edit some notes. Now I want to cyt this file in half as one part is male and one female. However if I want to edit this part, instead of bigger WAV edit window I get Melodyne every time. I cannot simply cut WAV anymore and Melodyne opens instead. How to disable it?  Or I am missing something? Where is my WAV edit window?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2019 by lisarowe (3,810 points)
I could be wrong, but I believe you have to bounce your track so melodyne changes are rendered into it before you will be able to edit the waveform view again.

: )