Questions & Answers

Melodyne won't load on a certain song

+2 votes
asked Mar 11, 2017 in Studio One 3 by mladenbasa (240 points)
edited Mar 11, 2017 by mladenbasa
Has anyone encountered (and preferably solved) a problem with Melodyne stuck at 50% when loading a particular song?

I'm not talking about initializing Melodyne on Studio One startup. It initializes Melodyne just fine. It's only when I try to open one particular song in which I used Melodyne on vocals and a guitar track. It starts to load this and that and when it comes to Melodyne it stucks at 50% forever (well, the longest I tried to wait was about half an hour). If I click on cancel it does nothing, it's still stuck. All I can do is shut down the Studio One and start it up all over again.

The other songs in which I used Melodyne open just fine and Melodyne loads with no problems.

I use Studio One 3 Proffesional and Melodyne essentials which came bundled with SO 3. System is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, on Dell Studio (can't remember the number), i7 Q720 CPU 4 cores, 8 GB RAM, SSD; E-MU Tracker pre USB interface.

Edit: Just a day or so prior to this problem I installed an iZotope Neutrino and during the installation i got a Microsoft Visual C++ error, but didn't take much notice of that at a time. Don't know if this has anything to do with it, but thought it would be worth mentioning.

4 Answers

+3 votes
answered Mar 16, 2017 by mladenbasa (240 points)
I wrote to  presonus support in the meantime and received and easy solution to the problem. In case someone else encounters the same problem, here is what they answered (it worked for me):

The first thing you want to try is to manually go directly into that song's folder and delete the Cache folder. See if it will open after that.

=================================== If Not ======================================

Here's a procedure for opening a song that Melodyne locks up on, assuming you can open Studio One otherwise.

1. Start Studio One and go to Options > Advanced > Services and disable the ARA service.
2. Re-start Studio One and open the problematic song, which should open now.

This lets you try to troubleshoot the song, when of if it opens or at a minimum be able to get directly to the media and similar. Try this below...

1. File > Save to New Folder to save the song to a new folder.
2. Go back to Options > Advanced > Services and turn the ARA service back on.
3. Restart Studio One and see if the new song copy opens.
+1 vote
answered Dec 22, 2017 by robertthreadgold (280 points)
Had similar issue but with Windows 10 & Melodyne Studio. Temporarilty disabling the ARA service worked ... Thanks for the great post!
0 votes
answered May 16, 2019 by leeadkins1 (380 points)

Thanks mladenbasa that worked for me too :)

I had since reinstalled melodyne and activated it on a new pc which I think caused issues with opening older projects where it was used.

0 votes
answered Aug 12, 2019 by cormackabbott (140 points)
The particular solution that you received involving saving to a new folder caused me to lose my melodyne edits running studio one 3 windows 10 here, but I succeeded using the answer given here along with the extra step of restoring a recent auto saved session, since the edits were also gone without doing that