Questions & Answers

What is the best Studio One integrated MIDI Keyboard?

0 votes
asked Jul 25, 2019 in Studio One 4 by tinatuomikoski (160 points)
What is the best integrated MIDI keyboard for studio one? Many are designed for Ableton in mind and it's tough to find one that works well with Studio One.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 26, 2019 by davidmassie1 (610 points)
selected Jul 26, 2019 by tinatuomikoski
Best answer
I would suggest you definitely take a detailed look at the Nektar Impact LX  line of midi controllers. You can get them in 25, 49, 61, or 88 key versions, and they are very reasonably priced. They're specifically designed to interface with several DAWs and, of course, Studio One is one of them. There are some good videos of these keyboards in action with S1 on YouTube.

I hope this helps!
0 votes
answered Jul 28, 2019 by fabianvasquez (240 points)
Arturia keylab mkii works great as a studio one midi controller and daw mode for studio one and other DAW's. They come in 49,61,88 key versions. The casing and pitch, mod wheels are made out of aluminum not plastic alil pricy starting at $499 comes with keylab software. I'm still learning how to implement all its functions if goes pretty deep but not overwhelming to a novice like me.I mostly use it to control Superior drumme 3 and keylab in studio one 4.5 pro and as a stand alone in keylab. Has same key bed as their high end minibrute synth, built like a tank well worth the price.