Questions & Answers

Controlling audio plugged into the Mic input on the back of the CS18AI?

0 votes
asked Jan 9, 2016 in StudioLive CS18Ai by jasongutierrez1 (220 points)
I have my CS18AI connected to the RM32.  When I plug in a computer to run audio from FOH into the back of the CS18Ai mic input 1 or 2 , where do I control it? what fader is it assigned to?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 22, 2016 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
Best answer

As mentioned in the CS18AI Manual on Section 4 the microphone and line inputs when connected to a RM Series mixer are as follows:

Mic/Line input 1/TB is assigned as the source for the StudioLive RM mixer Talkback. It will also be available as the network source for Input 31 of the RM mixer. 

Mic/Line input 2 is unassigned by default but will be available as the network source for Input 32 of the StudioLive RM. 

Line inputs 3 and 4 are assigned as the stereo Digital Return input of the RM mixer.


In order to control the level of those inputs, the control is done from the Talkback Edit page (see section 5.5) and level controls are on the input control page.
