Questions & Answers

Identify Mixes on CS18AI Scribble Strip

+4 votes
asked Jan 11, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by jameshansen2 (980 points)
When you're in a Mix, it would be nice if the top half of the scribble strip identified the Mixes (the buttons above the scribble strip), and the bottom half of the scribble strip identified the input channels (the buttons and fader below the scribble strip). This would make navigating the mixes mush easier during a sound check.

Currently on the CS18AI the Mixes are just numbered 1 through 16 without any names, so not easy to navigate. I have used tape and a pen, but it looks ugly and old school. In UC Surface they can be named, so identifying and switching between is easy. On the CS18AI I currently hit the Mix Masters button to change the scribble strip so I can figure out where a mix is located, I then hit 1 - 16 to edit that mix. However once I'm in a Mix, I need to go back to the Mix Masters again to figure out where the next mix to edit is located. It would be nice if I could just look at the scribble strip and directly navigate from Mix to Mix.

4 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2016 by Jon T (6,300 points)
Press the Mix Masters button and it will identify the label of the mix.

Press the mix button and then the select button for the Flex fader and the chosen mix is labeled in the touchscreen.
0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2016 by jameshansen2 (980 points)

On the CS18AI I currently hit the Mix Masters button to change the scribble strip so I can figure out where a mix is located, I then hit 1 - 16 to edit that mix. However once I'm in a Mix, I need to go back to the Mix Masters again to figure out where the next mix to edit is located. It would be nice if I could just look at the scribble strip and directly navigate from Mix to Mix.

I'm looking for a better workflow to move between Mixes, without bouncing between the Mix Masters. Your suggestion to identify the mix I've selected isn't the issue.


0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2016 by basmeijer (6,450 points)
I like this feature request and have the same when there are a lots of monitors on stage. I would not like to start putting marker tape on this desk, that would be a bit strange if you have scribble stips displays.

0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2016 by darthMatthis (1,770 points)
I have noticed it is a bit of a problem to identify mixes from the input channel page without navigating to the mix masters page. I've almost gotten used to it but a good idea would help a lot here. I don't know if your suggestion really is a good solution. The only other idea I've had is to put a note next to the mixer saying which mix is what monitor :D