Questions & Answers

How do I transfer the tracks I've created thru AudioBox to my Acer laptop?

–1 vote
asked Jan 13, 2016 in AudioBox USB by randyschoff (130 points)
How do I get the info...the tracks I've created thru AudioBox, to my Acer laptop? Because that's where I downloaded Studio One. I haven't even got to hook up the AudioBox yet...can it only go to an iPad? The box it came in says PC or Mac...very confused.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2016 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
Hmmm... seems like we have a bit of a steep learning curve here, and / or you are a beginner and need to do some learning here... Don't be upset if that's the case we all have to start somewhere...If I'm wrong, please forgive, but if you don't have the Audiobox installed and verified (Start menu > control panel > Sound > Record and playback drop downs... the Audiobox should appear as a device and should be selected if you want to use them to pass audio... if they don't show up there you need to go to the Knowledge base:

and (here I'll paste a previous answer I gave) sorry for the long post :

This will likely take a bit of work on your part, but it's all documented for us however in the Knowledge base:

This is my best friend as we try and help with these questions... my go to support documents... if you will. Let's cover a few things first, if you know these things already please forgive...

The first generation Audiobox USB is a port specific device. This means that once you plug it into a port THAT is the port it MUST be plugged into EACH AND EVERY TIME. If you plug it into a different port, it will attempt to install to THAT port, and will likely no longer work in either port.

Next, all USB ports are NOT created equal, (ESPECIALLY on laptops) one factor that can wreck havoc on your setup is that all USB ports are not equally powered, and some may not be able to power the device properly. In some cases, it is necessary to even resort to a powered USB hub in order to resolve certain problems.

You cannot however simply try every port to see if it works better in one without a complete uninstall  on each port you plug into, and it's usually more involved than to go to Programs and Features in the control panel and simply hit "uninstall program"...

Here you'll find particularly useful info about the Audiobox USB, and this little ditty dealing with uninstall Audiobox USB on windows 8/10...

So dig into the articles there and see if you cannot get yourself up and running, and in the meantime... start a Tech service ticket in case you cannot get going... and if this helps, you can always cancel the ticket!


This will likely take a bit of work on your part, but it's all documented for us however in the Knowledge base:

This is my best friend as we try and help with these questions... my go to support documents... if you will. Let's cover a few things first, if you know these things already please forgive...

The first generation Audiobox USB is a port specific device. This means that once you plug it into a port THAT is the port it MUST be plugged into EACH AND EVERY TIME. If you plug it into a different port, it will attempt to install to THAT port, and will likely no longer work in either port.

Next, all USB ports are NOT created equal, (ESPECIALLY on laptops) one factor that can wreck havoc on your setup is that all USB ports are not equally powered, and some may not be able to power the device properly. In some cases, it is necessary to even resort to a powered USB hub in order to resolve certain problems.

You cannot however simply try every port to see if it works better in one without a complete uninstall  on each port you plug into, and it's usually more involved than to go to Programs and Features in the control panel and simply hit "uninstall program"...

Here you'll find particularly useful info about the Audiobox USB, and this little ditty dealing with uninstall Audiobox USB on windows 8/10...

So dig into the articles there and see if you cannot get yourself up and running, and in the meantime... start a Tech service ticket in case you cannot get going... and if this helps, you can always cancel the ticket!