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StudioLive 16.0.2 not muting when connected to computer

0 votes
asked Oct 10, 2019 in Classic Mixers by jordonherdman (150 points)
recategorized Oct 11, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Hi, my work has a studio live 16.0.2 for streaming classes and I'm trying to use it as an audio interface (via fire wire through thunderbolt adapter) for the first time, I'm doing some testing right now and here's the issue. I have the SL16 connected to my mac (high sierra 10.13.6) and I added the presonus fire studio audio as an audio source in wirecast (version 12). For some reason when I mute channels 1 and 2 I can hear them in wirecast, but if it's any other channel nothing gets through, only channels 1 and 2 and I have to crank everything just the get good levels in wirecast. So far the only way to mute them is to turn the line dial at the top all the way down. At this point I'm better off using my Zoom H5.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 11, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer
The output to the computer is post pre, meaning the fader levels, mutes etc are not contained on the signal. This is the design of the mixer.

If you wish to have them effect and output then use the main outputs into your DAW.