Questions & Answers

Studiolive 16.0.2 Firewire UC Beta for Catalina?

+1 vote
asked Nov 26, 2019 in Classic Mixers by stenmars1 (160 points)
Hi everyone, apologies if this is a stupid question but has there been any release of a beta version of Universal Control to run under OSX Catalina for the Firewire model? I only got it recently, after I'd upgraded to Catalina so I'm currently unable to use it. i have seen that Presonus have it noted that there will be a new version but I can't contact them to ask about a Beta as for some reason the tech support pages won't let me create a ticket!

I'd be really grateful if someone on here can help in one way or another; please note downgrading the OS is not an option. Also, i know it's an old mixer but I checked that there would be a driver in development before buying it. It's a great mixer so far, I'd just like to be able to use the Firewire interface.

Many thanks.

8 Answers

–2 votes
answered Nov 28, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

At this time we are advising customers who require using Universal Control v1.7.6 not to update to Catalina until further notice. We will make an announcement on this when we have more information


0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

Unfortunately, Universal Control v1.7.6 is and will always be the latest UC version for the classic 16.0.2. It says in the "Universal Control 3.1.2 Milestone Release Notes":

Universal Control 1.7.6 for FireWire products (including the StudioLive 16.0.2 Classic) still works onWindows 7, 8.1, and 10, as well as Mac OS X 10.8.5—macOS 10.14 Mojave. However, it will not beavailable on macOS 10.15 Catalina or future macOS versions.​  Users of these products are advised notto update their systems beyond macOS 10.14 Mojave.

0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2019 by CapturedMoments (760 points)
Looks like it’s time to ditch all my legacy Presonus gear. Very sad because some of those Firewire units were really superb but if Presonus’ only answer is “Don’t upgrade your OS” then they have to go........
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
You have to "thank" Apple for turning away from former technologies. It's not PreSonus' fault.
+1 vote
answered Dec 2, 2019 by jonathonbell (380 points)

At this time we are advising customers who require using Universal Control v1.7.6 not to update to Catalina until further notice. We will make an announcement on this when we have more information. 

I do very much hope that PreSonus are able to make driver support for the Firestudio Project available for Catalina in the near future: if not, this will be the second time that they have left me stranded. I replaced my Firestudio - which I loved - with a Firestudio Project only 2 years ago because I was advised by Presonus that this was necessary for the previous OS-X system upgrade.

Or am I missing something? Can the FireStudio Project be used on Catalina *without* the Universal Control application?


+3 votes
answered Jan 12, 2020 by viiponlyy (200 points)

This is insane, I cant believe this. I spent so much money on this. i looked at alot of mixers before buying. I decided to support this company because of them having so many great reviews and they were new when i purchased this mixer. Your legacy clients are the ones that contributed to keeping you in the known. This is a PERFECT mixer and now i cant use it. that is insane. what prevents you from doing a software update that is compatible with CATALINA. I really hope that you guys release this soon. because looking money hungry is not the reason why i chose you. 

–1 vote
answered May 31, 2020 by chrislovell1 (400 points)
I can live without UC working on my Studiolive 16.0.2 Firefire with Catalina, but it does not seem to work even just as an audio interface. I have installed the firewire drivers that come with UC3, but still no dice. Nothing in sound preferences, audio/midi setup, Ableton, or anywhere else. Please help!
0 votes
answered May 31, 2020 by chrislovell1 (400 points)

UPDATE: I got my 16.0.2 working as a 16in/16out audio interface over firewire on Catalina. Turns out, during the installation of the firewire drivers, apple's new security features disable the drivers on installation, with no warning!? 

You'll know if this is the case if you follow these instructions:

Also, if you check on your StudioLive 16.0.2 firewire mixer System Menu >> "Page 3: Digital" the status will say "no driver" if the driver has been disabled.

To check for disabled software, follow this answer (it says OS X 10.13, but works for 10.15):

To rectify, follow these instructions (again, it says OS X 10.13, but works for 10.15):

Won't get UC working, but will get your mixer taking to your computer. Hope this helps!
