Questions & Answers

Chord Progression Tool

+29 votes
asked Oct 30, 2019 in MIDI Editing by supremaciabla (340 points)
An integrated Chord-Progression Tool which writes midi notes/chord progressions into the single Midi-Tracks/Clips automaticly (with the Possibility to change the highlighted Notes/chords to the most used/natural played Chord Reversion-Types in Instrument-Genre: for example Piano, Organ, Acoustic-Guitar, E-Guitar, Bass, Drum -playing-Styles etc.), + a Randomization Button for the highlighted Notes/Chords + seperate dynamical Velocity Variation-Tool. It should be possible to load/save Presets by Music-Genre and Playing-Styles (like I already wrote "Instrument Genre") It also should be able to load external/3rd-Party Midi-presets in there. All created Midi-Content can then be followed by the Chord-Track of the sequencer and also feed Notion by the Instrument-Tracks midi output (if the user/producer wants it). Wouldn`t this be the Ultimate creation-Tool for creating simply and outstanding music scores within minutes? This would change EVERYTHING and make Studio One to the completest Music Creation/Recording/Mixing/Mastering-Tool at the same time! Kind Regards from Germany!

1 Answer

+5 votes
answered Oct 30, 2019 by daviddosiholmqvist (290 points)
YES! this would speed up my workflow 300%! I actually got studio one last year because i thought this was exaktly what the chord track was! But unfortunely i hade to turn to the plugin scaler instead. This would speed up and spark my creativty so much