Questions & Answers

Export Mixdown yields audio that sounds like it went through a fixed flanger - a very short delay

0 votes
asked Oct 30, 2019 in Studio One 4 by gregguarino (540 points)
Presonus Studio One Pro 4.5

Export Mixdown used to work fine. Now, the result sounds like a very short delay of the same signal has been added; like a flanger but with no "sweep". I closed the program, reopened it and tried again. Same result. Tried .wav and (320) mp3. Same result on both. Multitrack playback sounds fine from S1. The mixed file sounds "flanged" when I send it to myself and play it back on a totally different system.

I can't mix anything (except clumsily, via my interface and back into a stereo track in S1) until this gets fixed.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2019 by chrisliberti (190 points)
I'm having the same issue. Sound quality of mp3 mixdown sounds glitchy, compressed with digital noise.
0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by tonyangiola (140 points)
I have this problem when trying to mix down with my Mac.  My Windows machine has no problem when mixing down MP3 or WAV.  My Mac only gives a good mix down using M4A format.
0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2020 by lancebrown-ochs (640 points) 1 flag
Any luck finding a resolution to this?  I moved to a new PC and now I’m having a similar issue. Mixes sound great inside S1, but like garbage after exporting.
+1 vote
answered Dec 8, 2023 by maorrosenberg (180 points)
I'm have the same problem with S1 Pro 6.5.

Is there a solution or at least a workaround?