Questions & Answers

How can I use Midi to connect a sound expander

0 votes
asked Oct 31, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by richardrader (120 points)
Hi all,

I'm running a Windows 10 pro and DAW is Cubase 8.0, Mixer is StudioLive 16.0.2. with intergrated sound-Card.

Now I have to do some midi-files by using the Roland SC88 pro as sound-Generator. How can I connect the external SC88 pro as sound-Expander. Unfortunately I found nothing in FAQ. The result should be that I could work in Cubase by using midi-tracks and will not use their internal sounds (Halion), but being routed through to the SC88pro.

I'm aware, that the Sounds will then being heard by headphones only on the SC88 pro. Or could it be possible to connect the Output SC88pro with an Input channel an the mixer?

Thanks for your help

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2019 by zeitlupe (810 points)
It is really Easy to do that:

1.) Connect the Audio Outputs of your Expander to the Inputs of your StudioLive. You should Go for 2 Channels since Stereo is s nice thing ;-)

2.) Connect the MIDI Out of your StudioLive into the MIDI In of your Expander.

3.) Connect the MIDI In of your StudioLive to the MIDI Out of your Keyboard. (Optional: Only needed of you want to record nee tracks with the Expander)

4.) Finally select your MIDI Track and set the MIDI Out to a MIDI Out Channel of your StudioLive.

That should work. Have a nice day!