Questions & Answers

Can I use a 3.0 USB hub to connect my StudioLive III 24R to my Max

+1 vote
asked Oct 11, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by christopherpierson (130 points)
I use a MacBook with an external solid state SSD drive to control lighting via USB to DMXIS, control the Studio Live Series III 24R and to record using Capture. In all that's 4 USB devices and my MacBook only has two USB inputs. I would like to use a USB 3.0 hub to simply this setup (those only having one connection to the MacBook). Will the StudioLive mixer and Capture work appropriately through this USB 3.0 Hub or must the mix be connected directly the the MacBook?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 21, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
They should work fine with the hub but I'd suggest going with a powered hub.